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Questions You Might Have:

  • who should we call in case of a need: If you have any question regarding your reservation, please feel free to contact us via email: contact@taxicasablanca.com or call one of our offices: US +1-617-849-3750, Morocco: +(212)676-768-189 and we will be more than happy to assist you.
  • Does our chauffeur take us directly to our destination:With Taxi Casablanca, all the reservations are private and the vehicle will take you directly to your destination using the major roads.
  • How will we find our transfer service at the airport: Once you complete your booking, we will send you your driver information: Name and phone number and where he will be waiting for you holding a sign with the lead passenger name on it.
  • If our flight is delayed, will our driver be waiting for us:Flight arrival times are monitored, the driver will be waiting for you with no extra charges. If you are delayed clearing customs, please feel free to call our office manager in Casablanca at: +(212) 676-768-189